In Satan We Trust- Age Of Destuction
Rand Paul has done a great job waking up the Amerian people up and turning this country around. He's done amazing ground work. I now see the biggest problems lie in space. My mind is being hacked and I am being probed, tortured and experimented on by unseen weapons that can disect your body. They don't need physical weapons to conduct nazi experiments. These weapons can physically do as much damage as a laser and saw. they can reach every nerve ending of your body and make you lose your teeth by targeting your gums. They have destroyed my reproductive system and some of my internal organs and given me minus 2 bone density. They invade my brain and have corporate callers harass me. I can't take much more of this. I know what it's like to get an operation every night and be mutiliated by satanists with unseen weapons. I am frustrated after watching people in the news talk for years about the things they are going to do while armies multiply and new weapons are built and space age weapons are reaching everywhere. People scurry around on the ground like ants fighting for petty things and arguing among themselves without realizing they have no control. They won't kow how small they are and they are about to crushed until someone does it from above. Now nazis have the weapons. It doesn't do any good to try to make changes if people don't know the facts because the media isn't the truth in the news. I know this horror is real. People are enslaved and they don't even know it. They have lost all control. They depend on the system. I don't think talking will do us any good anymore. I tried to tell everyone that a few years ago. They can now hack our brain. They can reach our body from remote locations. They capture our brain frequencies. They can fry us and kill us at the press of a button. Your brain is a toy to them. That's why you see brains featured everywhere in adds and 'Saw' with the mans head sawed off. That's the reason you see them protraying themselves as cats and us as mice. Real labotomys are being perfromed from space or somewhere on people in their own homes like were performed in concentration camps. People are really being murder without an intruder even enterting their home.People are being programmed and you see people fipping out ever day and killing people claiming the demons made them do it. None really put the columbine murders together or the theater shooter or the other werid cases happening in the news where women eat their children. This is all the result of mind control. When they can control cyber world they can control the world. When they can hack your brain they control you. If they didn't have these satanic weapons they would have physical aassault weapons. the bases are loaded. We've been sealed inside a fortress they call the devils labyrinth with no place to hide. People can deny the truth. They don't want to admit it. They are scared to admit it. I can tell you for a fact these weapons are real and they are hacking my brain and experimenting in psychic power and possession. They won't stop at trying to program mankind and posses their bodies. They want far more. This evil has gotten out of hand because none addressed it. None exposed the evil doers or questioned science or saw just how advanced technology gotten. We're doomed. We are enslaved. Unless someone with a brain, conscience, willpower and plenty of manpower and forces of angels there is no way out of this mess. We are in the devils labryinth and we are dinner and they've already laid out their plans for the future holocaust. It's a blood feast. These people are into cannabilism and human sacrifice. Just look at the myan murials in the colorodo airport. These people are into voodoo, black magic the occult and bloodthirsty and unholy and demented. I know for a fact there's no turning point as long as people talk about unimportant issues in the news and bullshit to sway americans. They are passing time while they create more weapons and build more armies and redesign the world for Satan. People better pray. The holocaust was nothing compared to what they are doing to me and have in store for the world. Hitler never had these weapons. We are lost
Sherry Bretz copyright (c) July 2014
en the war broke out in Ukraine and soldiers wore gas masks and fire spread everywhere I thought it matched the work I'd been seeing in films prior. Just recently rescue workers wore gas masks who removed the wreckage from the plane crash. Now I see mosquitos appearing in Maryland that have a deadly virus that kills one in three and bubonic plague is appearing in China following the plane crash story. I question of you can see anything pertaining to Russia in the images? What about the ones with the dead children :
Sherry Bretz copyright (c) July 2014
en the war broke out in Ukraine and soldiers wore gas masks and fire spread everywhere I thought it matched the work I'd been seeing in films prior. Just recently rescue workers wore gas masks who removed the wreckage from the plane crash. Now I see mosquitos appearing in Maryland that have a deadly virus that kills one in three and bubonic plague is appearing in China following the plane crash story. I question of you can see anything pertaining to Russia in the images? What about the ones with the dead children :
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