Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I am tortured in my own bed inside my own home by advanced unknown weapons. A silent holocaust-taking place through higher ups who use secret armies to target defenseless people and steal from faithful followers of Christ. These crimes are even being featured in film and books. Music videos consist of the victims with their heads mounted on the wall like game trophies. I am told my suffering through their torture gives these sadists power. The evil is everywhere. This goes way beyond human understanding. The mind invasion weapons hack my brain every night and they play with my mind and emotions and i have to struggle all night to keep my sanity and overlook the pain and confusion they cause and tune them out. It is impossible to tune them out when they turn the power up stronger and wear my body down. They gang me and belittle me to try to destroy my will and spirit. They tell me I will be an offering to the anti Christ eventually. They want control. They want possession. You can see their satanic art appearing in Europe and other places with people trapped in buildings in bondage with demonic forces watching and waiting to feed off their body. They send me images of eyeballs and human mutilation with people disemboweled and being dissected from head to toe to feed the Satanists. The people’s brains are exposed to show this group is invading their to control them and removing certain parts like with my mind. These people are evil beyond words. Their method of stalking and torture to hunt and slowly kill their victims is the worst evil imaginable. They not only want me to know I will be murdered they want me to know the pleasure they derive through feeling my body devoured each nerve ending at a time until the very last morsel is gone. They have power. Through their affiliation with the dark side and their weapons they can seize the world. They see themselves to be cats and think we’re helpless prey at the end of their leash. They have contacts all around the world. They won’t stop until the last person is enslaved who opposes Satan and his dark army or has wealth to live independently away from this group and does their own thing. They don’t want anyone to have free will and mind to resist his evil. I have received invitations from strangers to several functions to network with high society and film studios. I receive invites from several Canadians. They display the same voodoo and devilish symbols I see appearing in modern movies and books pushed through media. This isn't just entertainment. I know they are recruiting young members and seducing and buying the world to create armies to serve the dark side. I know this bunch. Every part of my being fights them. I oppose evil no matter how much power it has to control and mess with my head and enslave me. They threaten me on a daily basis. They cannot wear me down so they torture me nightly. They say they want me to belong to them and the anti Christ through my spirit. I love God. I know he is my redeemer. They send me paintings of aristocrats wearing Victorian clothes dining on people and torturing slaves who are treated like scum. They send me photos of chariots from the Egyptian days and people being sold as slaves. Google had vampires, big bad wolf, space weapons and the Eiffel tower featured on their search engine on new years eve with other satanic images this group likes to use daily. They have posted images with people being transported across the sea in bondage to be sold into slavery and in the guillotine and it wasn't even Halloween. This evil is being pushed on society and Satan is being promoted through entertainment and media. I figured this out a long time ago and this has made me a slave to them. I will never be a willing slave. They want my mind. I've visited Europe twice. I noticed so many black arts that consisted of weapons of this group and slaves and torture. It's everywhere in the world today and people are buying it without knowing the meaning. They are serving the devil and funding his cause. They are destroying the world. They are really enslaving themselves through their corporation and denial. Their money, ignorance, selfish lust and arrogance are destroying their freedom, mind and eternal salvation. Hell is being slowly built on earth through mind weapons. We're in a labyrinth. The slavery technology is everywhere and observation towers and symbols for soul pollution and mind control. They want to destroy the human race to start over and gain possession of the children to create a new race filled with mind controlled ignorant slaves. They are destroying remnants of the past and trying to take God out of the universe. Satan wants my mind and my free will through this group. I know God exists. As long as people know that God exists and there is power in heaven above they will pray and resist the beast. Their energy will bring about a powerful change. Right now the Satanists just want people to think they are powerful through their visual images and wealth. They try to recreate reality. They want the universe through their ego. They believe if Christian minds seek the light and people help one another that destroy their design. Satan wants power and servitude. They want to possess, conquer and steal to gain conquer and rule everything. I know he won't win as long as there are Christians and faithful people who still believe. The power-seeking junkies will lose. These weapons keep me enslaved through some kind of energy field you see people trapped in through their music videos and art. Many of the soldiers use Nazi symbols. The phoenix was also Hitler’s symbols. Why was it featured in the British Olympics and shown on angela merkels phone? When did pirate swastikas become so popular? Why are people joining the herd everywhere? Why are people so ignorant they can't see the evil at hand and recognize manipulation and mind control? Why are they so spiritually lost and dark and unloving that they are allowing their dark half to overpower them and become uncivilized and bloodthirsty? This all started in the beginning when Satan tempted eve in the garden. Man has fallen deeper into the abyss ever since. Nothing will happen to change this steady decline if man doesn't wake up now and repent and seek God almighty first.

They treat me like I am a victim in a horror movie. They’ll never let me go!

by Sherry L Bretz July 2014 (c)copyright*


  1. You might find some help for your horrors at The Allies of Humanity books in particular might help you find some relief, shed some light on what is happening to you. You can download the books for free here

  2. Dear Allison, Thanks for going to so much trouble to find these books. You're opened minded. I appreciate it. Bless you dear lady
